CQPhone is an instant messenger that works like a telephone. This program assigns a number to each computer you install it in. Anyone knowing that number can call you directly to your computer. This number is fixed and unique for each computer, like a real telephone number. It is formed by seven digits, which you can dial simply by clicking on the corresponding buttons in the phone pad in the screen.
You can use CQPhone to maintain voice communications with anyone having the same program installed in his/her computer. This program WILL NOT call regular phones, neither land lines nor mobile phones - it just supports PC to PC VOIP conversations.
If you do not want to talk (or if you do not have a microphone attached to your PC), you can always chat entering text through the keyboard. As in other messengers, you can send video if you have a webcam installed, but, again, you can choose not to do so.
As in the old ICQ, you can set your state as "Available for Chat" in any of the chat rooms. This way, anyone can call you and chat with you. Use it with caution - I met my wife using this feature in ICQ... ;-)
The interface looks like a real cell phone, and it has detachable windows to see the contact list and to watch the video.
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